Dream house- or how badly I want to move out!

Le petit hol
INTIMACY! My own stuffs, my own decisions, my own … EVERYTHING! 
How nice can be to choose a place, in a district that you like, close to your favourite places and close to your friends. You go out at any hour and you came back when you feel it.
I think it is so interesting how YOU ( us) can make an empty space feel like HOME to you.
I am ” a big, big girl, in a big, big world” and I have to start thinking what I want to do with my life. I have to set my priorities, to choose the way I want to follow,find a job, to make my dreams come true… Easy to say, hard to do! 🙂
I need your advice,dear friends! How do you started your life? It was hard to own your home and work for your own money ?How do you become INDEPENDENT?
Until next time, please stop and listen a great song! It makes me feel secure, and positive!
With love, Andra!