With love, for our “speachless” friends


As I said at “about me” I am an animal lover. I didn`t had many pets at my life, just a couple of kittens at my grandparents, a bunch of fishes, two turtles and now MY BELOVED DOG.

I truly believe in relationship with ANIMALS in general. I think they are purely than us, humans. Because they don`t speak, they share our feelings with us, wich is for me more important than SPEAKING! It`s meaningless to speak and no acting, than proveing your feelings and to have a speacial bound with someone.


Now let me tell you a storry, about my pet, THOBIAS.


I was at High School, one day with my best friend and I saw a cute rubber with a dog drawned on it, smelling like strawberry and with a big name on it TOBY. I looked at my bf and said to her : I WANT A DOG LIKE YOURS, CALLED TOBY!

A couple of mounts i was talking about how badly i want that dog, how cute we will walk our dogs in the park and how we`ll buy clothes and cute stuffs for them. After some days,my bf said that she will let her dog haveing “babies” and one will be mine! YEEY! Dream come true, BUT my DAD saied a BIG NO! oops.

I talked with my little brother and my mother to convince my dad, but after i take the puppy home.

My Toby was so small and cute and fluffy and all the fluffy words :)) and in the END , WE, with Thobias HELP, convinced my dad to accept him.

*Let me tell you, that they are best friends now,and they play a lot and watch football together* :))

2013-07-07 21.42.33

Toby is a part of my familly now, and we have such a strong connection. Because i really wanted this dog, I take care of him, i love him so much and when I am sad he came to me and lick my tears,makes me smile,we play, we run, we fight we tickle and we spend a lot of time together!

2013-01-09 23.17.45*this is me and T., makeing Muffins!*


2013-06-28 21.34.26*His first ANNIVERSARRY*

2013-08-25 13.49.24*summer fun*

2013-08-25 17.49.01*SWAGGGG overloaded:))*

I hope you liked my story!

Please take care of your pets, because they are more honest than most of the people, and they love you no matter what. 


Lots of love, Andra!





YEEY! I`ve missed you all!

How are you my dear ones?

It`s been such a long time since i was not in touch with you!

I had a  busy period of time and i wasn`t able to keep my blog update…but now I am hereeee!

I want to say to you that I am fine, I am happy and loved and I want to spread my happiness and my positive toughts to everyone!

Now I have a cute white little netbook and a cute hello kitty mouse and I can write to you with joy!

In the end of this short post, I want you to watch what trick my beloved dog learned today! I am soooo proud of him! Hope you liked it!

Please tell me what you think and if you have other cute tricks for me to teach him!


Kisses to everyone and lots of love!

Love, Andra!

*i missed that*


I dare you to be YOU- be HAPPY!



So, i want to set up a challenge FOR YOU!

Because all of us have that day when everything goes wrong and we think that it`s the end of the world, that we have just bad luck, nobody likes us, we don`t like how we look, we don`t want to see& speak to anybody and so on… but I DARE YOU to STOP for a minute, chill out and think about what makes you happy!

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Take a piece of paper, put that song you like it very much and note everything you want to do, what are your dreams, what do you wish or maybe what do you wanted to do but you never had the courage…

dreamitwwishit_132765306_largeAnother important thing is to WAKE UP WITH A POSITIVE THOUGHT or A SMILE – I assure you it will make a major difference, because it`s very important the way you start your day.


Print your wish-list, put it on a visible place, like your desk or the fridge and you will see that if you focus your mind,toughts and your actions that thing it will happen sooner- or later. IT DEPENDS ON YOU! YOU HAVE THE POVER! AND DON`t FORGET TO CHERISH EVERY MOMENT- L.I.F.E. I.S. P.R.E.C.I.O.U.S.!






Truth or dare?! How to SPLIT ?

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Hello dear friends! How are you? Hope you do great!

So I made a challenge with my boyfriend that I will do the split in the next 3 weeks! HAHA:-))

so my question for you it`s… WHAT KIND of  exercises do I have to do to prepare my legs`s muscles for a SPLIT?

I knkow it will be hard, but I want to win!

I found this on wehearit and I hope it will work!

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Wish me luck and I will let you know if it works! Until then, lots of kisessssss!!!

Love, Andra!

“Dogs are our link to paradise. They
don’t know evil or jealousy or
discontent. To sit with a dog on a
hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be
back in Eden, where doing nothing
was not boring–it was peace.” – Milan Kundera

Note to you & HAPPY EASTER!

Wishing You a Very Happy Easter

First of all, i want to wish you all the best, lots of love, kisses, happyness and positive thoughts to you and everything you wish to came true!

I hope you celebrate with your family and your dearest persons and you all are good!

Tomorrow night I will go with my famiyl my cousin& auntie, to my grandparents  and this year with my beloved dog, Toby – new member of my family!

Happy easter my dear friends!



this is my ARTwork with my little brother!

and…my note to you

I am so sad that I can`t write and be in touch with you every day… I miss blogging and I can`t wait to recieved my … laptop. FINALLY. i hope it will be soon…:-(

I want to say that I`m sorry I could answer to your comments and reading your lovely posts , but i will be soon again active.


LOVE, Andra!